Monday, September 5, 2016

Use of Calculators

“There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails.” – Nancy Kassebaum

One of the frustrations in using technology is about choosing the most effective and efficient technology in class. Almost every year, new technology is introduced and replace the old ones. As much as I like to try the new ones, I also keep some good old technology that is more practical and helpful to my students.

The Grade 10 Math textbook from Pearson is a very good tool that comes with dvd technology and other features. It was designed to use a TI - Inspire calculator that our school did not even use. Ask me why.

1) TI-Inspire is not allowed to be use in examinations.
2) TI-Inspire is hard to navigate if not trained properly how to use it.
3) TI-Inspire is 3x expensive from TI-84 graphing calculator.

Do you allow the use of calculators in class? I do but I choose wisely which can be very beneficial for students like the graphing calculators and unit conversion app in my Math class.

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