Wednesday, December 28, 2016

3 Artifacts Done and some extras!

I'm so happy tonight that I got an A+ on my Resource Depot assignment, yay! I know I had been slacking bit lately but I'm just very stressed, especially with family visiting but I should not make it as an excuse for not finishing my assignments on time!

Almost there, ha! Right now I'm finalizing my Progress Report and Professional Growth Plan. Hopefully I can finish this course before the end of January.

On the side note, this course has given me so many ideas about my future plans of my teaching career. In fact, I forgot to brag I won an a city award for the expats contributions. I was very happy to represent the international education community. I'll post pictures later.

Good night!

Holiday Break

Been procrastinating for two weeks, bit busy with family visiting in China. Hopefully I'll finish all assignments during the winter break next year during Chinese New Year. We don't have Christmas break and had been busy with Christmas program and decoration last week.

I had presented my idea for the personal growth plan to my principal and he thought it was a great idea. I'm working on it - it's about the class set purchase of iPads for Grade 10s. Looking forward to present a proposal to the stakeholders of our school.

I'll get back to work now...

Friday, December 2, 2016

Assignment 4 Submission - Resource Depot

Yes! After two months of collecting ideas and compiling them into a resource depot, I have finally finish my Assignment 4 - Resource Depot.

Here's what it's all about:

You are about to explore a collection of effective computer software, interactive web browsers, and mobile/tablet apps that work well with teaching and learning in Math and Science courses that is intended for the use of teachers on their daily lessons or simply a reinforcement for students’ learning. I have also included some apps that can be used by teachers for organizing their class and some useful weblinks for future references. These educational technologies are very helpful especially for teaching in an English language environment with diverse students (most specifically with Chinese students).

This resource depot is a product of my keen interest and passion in teaching Math. With the help of my classmates across the world who shared some unique ideas through online discussion about educational technology, I have read and explored further about this concern through the use of internet, books, research papers, and professional learning communities. I have selected and compiled these educational technologies that have been proven to influence students’ understanding of specific course concepts that makes teachers instructions more effective, making it more valuable and conducive for the type of learners that we have.

By sharing this resource depot, I hope that it will help and enlighten some teachers to appreciate the integration of technology into educational practice. I believe that through using educational technology, we, educators can bring out the best of every learner and prepare them to become global-minded citizens.

(Note: Please click each button below for further details.)

Thursday, November 24, 2016


It's tough working full teaching loads with overtime and studying at the same time. I know I'm whining but I never study on the first two months of the new term. I'm kinda stressed and it shows. I'm so down today because one class showed less effort on finishing their work and I just think they're not good enough or too lazy to do their work. 

I'm  sitting her in class thinking about how technology affects teaching and learning these days. How can technology harness my instruction and make it more engaging and valuable to students' life. I have been thinking that my resource depot in my Ed Tech course should focus more 

Weebly Subsciption

I used to buy my Weebly before and not till yesterday I thought it's time to renew. I read the comments of my professor about the menu and I tried to fix it but I could not find the right buttons to change. Then I realized I'm on a free subscription.  Guess, it's time to update my Weebly so I can change it better. Resource Depot should be finish by the end of the month and also yesterday, I talked to my principal about proposing ipads acquisition proposal for my Assignment 5 on this course. He loves the idea and he gives his go signal to present it to the Chinese stakeholders. That's something I have to work next month and hopefully by the end of the year, all assignments will be done hopefully and apply for graduation in May. I'm almost there.........

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Second View of e-Journal

I'm ready for the second view of my e-Journal. Actually, I was so busy on working my artifacts, report, and resource depot that I forget to inform my professor to have a look on my e-journal , ooppps! Anyways, I'm almost done with all the stuff, just finishing some details and hopefully I can submit all my big assignments by the end of this month.  I just look at my assignments marks for the first time and I'm very happy. I'm almost there....

Monday, November 21, 2016

What artifacts?

I've thinking for more than a month now about what artifacts that I should present in my EDUC 5203 course. I want to present one artifact that is totally new to me(done), one that is I'm planning to use in class(on the process), and the last one(finishing) is an artifact that I feel confident using in my teaching practice.  These are: Google Forms, Desmos, Pinterest, Google Drive, and Weebly. I need to choose which are my top three choices and I should be able to finish these four artifacts before the end of the month, including my resource depot.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Media App for Math Instructional Video?

I'm planning on using media technology for instructional video for Factoring and Expanding Polynomials in my Unit 2 lesson and I was wondering what is the best media app for this project. Aside from iMovie, Moviemaker, Keynote, and Powerpoint, are there other easy that can create videos. It's not really a very important media tool that I should learn since I'm teaching Math course but I should also know a bit so I can recommend what apps to use for my students....

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Unit 1 Reflection in Google Form

Yes. It works! I'm loving the Google Forms. Here's my first try. I was doing a unit reflection in class and they get to write their responses online.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Google Forms!

Ha! I'm still thrilled and excited about Google Forms. Last week, when my Mac didn't work anymore, I was forced to use my Desktop at school with MS Office in Chinese and I'm not happy with that. So I tired the Google Docs and I love it. Well, it's in English and I can save and edit my files online and download it in different forms. Actually i started making most of my teaching materials and anecdotal records in Google Docs.

Yesterday, I was trying Kahoot for my Unit 1 reviews and I did not like how it works so I tried EDOMODO and QUIZLET, still I did not like the hassle to go through the process. But when I tried Google Forms, oh my! It's super cool. This morning I required my students to download free VPNs on their phones and create gmail or outlook mail since I wanted them to answer the questionnaire I made for their Unit 1 reflection. I can't wait to see its outcomes tomorrow when we will try it in the class.

I can't wait to create more review assessments for my struggling students and survey questions. And since Geogebra can be a plug-in in the Google Chrome, I can synchronized all my stuff in Google Drive. Yesterday, I told my principal if he could open a Google Classroom so I can use it for my class and he said he'll have a look. 

Yes, I'm glad I enrolled in EDUC 5203 ; )

Friday, October 28, 2016

Choosing between old and new educational technology that helps better

Google being blocked in China has taught me to find alternatives available and never tried to explore what's in there anymore. Through Education 5203, the course made me to look into how Google helps me greatly before. Using a VPN to bypass China's Great firewall, I managed to check what's up out there in the Western world.

One thing I find very helpful is using Google Docs. This quite become handy to me when I have a new Dekstop at school in Chinese with MS Office 2016 in Chinese and I thought it's unbelievable since I can't read Chinese. With my Mac being reformatted and installed a new OS which become useless, I had to use something. So I start using the Google Docs since it's in English! I was so happy and start using it. Unfortunately I can't use it class for sharing since my students don't have VPNs or Google email but hey, who knows I'm moving to another school or country that will make use of this better. So this ones going to be one of my new tech. Especially now that I found out that Geogebra has a plug in too.

I want to explore another app, maybe something to do with Math course or organization of files. In looking into Desmos and 360 Degree web applications.

Monday, October 17, 2016

QQ Chat Discussion Screenshots

Teachers can group their class.
 Students can send personal message.

You can assign a student to take leadership roles.

Students can inquire, or ask questions and other students can reply instead of the teachers.

Students may leave a voice message.

 Students can remind classmates to enforce the use of English.

Students can submit works online with time/date stamp for reference.

 Teachers can send extra help or weblinks for the class.

Teachers can post lessons, resources or files in the shared folder.