Monday, October 31, 2016

Google Forms!

Ha! I'm still thrilled and excited about Google Forms. Last week, when my Mac didn't work anymore, I was forced to use my Desktop at school with MS Office in Chinese and I'm not happy with that. So I tired the Google Docs and I love it. Well, it's in English and I can save and edit my files online and download it in different forms. Actually i started making most of my teaching materials and anecdotal records in Google Docs.

Yesterday, I was trying Kahoot for my Unit 1 reviews and I did not like how it works so I tried EDOMODO and QUIZLET, still I did not like the hassle to go through the process. But when I tried Google Forms, oh my! It's super cool. This morning I required my students to download free VPNs on their phones and create gmail or outlook mail since I wanted them to answer the questionnaire I made for their Unit 1 reflection. I can't wait to see its outcomes tomorrow when we will try it in the class.

I can't wait to create more review assessments for my struggling students and survey questions. And since Geogebra can be a plug-in in the Google Chrome, I can synchronized all my stuff in Google Drive. Yesterday, I told my principal if he could open a Google Classroom so I can use it for my class and he said he'll have a look. 

Yes, I'm glad I enrolled in EDUC 5203 ; )

Friday, October 28, 2016

Choosing between old and new educational technology that helps better

Google being blocked in China has taught me to find alternatives available and never tried to explore what's in there anymore. Through Education 5203, the course made me to look into how Google helps me greatly before. Using a VPN to bypass China's Great firewall, I managed to check what's up out there in the Western world.

One thing I find very helpful is using Google Docs. This quite become handy to me when I have a new Dekstop at school in Chinese with MS Office 2016 in Chinese and I thought it's unbelievable since I can't read Chinese. With my Mac being reformatted and installed a new OS which become useless, I had to use something. So I start using the Google Docs since it's in English! I was so happy and start using it. Unfortunately I can't use it class for sharing since my students don't have VPNs or Google email but hey, who knows I'm moving to another school or country that will make use of this better. So this ones going to be one of my new tech. Especially now that I found out that Geogebra has a plug in too.

I want to explore another app, maybe something to do with Math course or organization of files. In looking into Desmos and 360 Degree web applications.

Monday, October 17, 2016

QQ Chat Discussion Screenshots

Teachers can group their class.
 Students can send personal message.

You can assign a student to take leadership roles.

Students can inquire, or ask questions and other students can reply instead of the teachers.

Students may leave a voice message.

 Students can remind classmates to enforce the use of English.

Students can submit works online with time/date stamp for reference.

 Teachers can send extra help or weblinks for the class.

Teachers can post lessons, resources or files in the shared folder.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Oh No!

Oh yes! I forgot about one of my online discussion schedule this week because of work and I forgot to input it in my Evernote. Then my computer was left at home because we checked in the hotel for my brother's birthday and I replied in the discussion using my phone, not a good idea. Some typo errors were evident in my responses.

I need focus.........................

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Integrating technology in drawing blueprint for Math class

Drawing is one of the skills you need to develop and improve in Math, especially if you're planning to take engineering courses. In the application for trigonometry and geometry concepts, I designed a project-based instruction that let my students design, create, and present a pet house model. They're expected to present the curriculum outcomes they've learned in class and by doing the project, it proves how deeply they understand the concepts. They're producing a sketch design, blueprint, model, and a report with calculations.

This year, I approved some students to do their drawing using computer softwares called AutoCAD and SketchUp for their blueprints. It's very interesting since I only teach them to draw manually but if they are advanced user of computers, they can make use of the skills.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hectic Week

After finishing 3-days online discussion with my Educ 5203 course while travelling in three countries, trying to fused a holiday break, family quality time, meeting friends, and partying as well - my usual hectic work life resumes.

On top of my 32 Math classes, this week I got loads of reports (Grace 10s Progress report for 109 students, Year Plan, and Professional Growth Plan) to submit on Friday and I need to update my course blog and website. On the side note, I'm organizing the school's Halloween Party in three weeks time while I will be doing a pre-evaluation of the pet house project in my Math 10 tomorrow while trying to finish one set of 109 quiz papers to mark.

Sometimes, I like to think I don't do any work at all. Tomorrow is another day for Math tutorial wherein I have more than 10 students who need help since they failed their quiz. I need to come up with a strategy plan how can I help them get better marks in testing. I'll be happy to survive this week with my sanity fully intact.

Ah, don't forget the weekend full of social parties (plus a weekend getaway birthday party of Kuya Sandy Albarico at Sheraton this Saturday) to attend to!