Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Personal Barrier in Classroom Setting

I would not actually call it personal, but as human being, we have limits as to what we can do. I feel like most of the teachers don't want to use technology in class because they don't have time to learn more about it or give their time to use it in class. As for me, I don't feel like it's the reasons that hinder me from integrating technology in my classroom instruction. My issue would be the number of students in class. As much as I think that technology helps me a lot in delivering my lessons with comfort and easy access for students to review, I felt bad that I can't fully go around to check 28 students during 1 hour and 30 minutes class. I don't also have time to stay after class or have a free time to help students because I have 32 teaching periods every week. But even then, I think technology has been helping me out to help insure that my students are achieving the curriculum outcomes and show to me that they comprehend through their presentations using technology since our class time is limited. Now here's my real struggle - technology can definitely help but my human body is tired, thus it's preventing me from providing quality instruction some times : (

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